Sunday 18 July 2010

Dia de Semana - Estepona

The Rock of Gibraltar

El Blanco Cuidad - Casares

Casares in the foreground with Morroco in the background

World Cup Finals - Estapona

Manolo (Francis Father) and me

Francis, Ben and Emilie at Jose´s (Francis´s cousin) bar

Ben celebrating Espana´s goal

Friday 18 June 2010

Bryant House Re Construction

Shoring posts in place, I cut into the foundation today to accommodate the four new windows. A long day full of angst and two-cycle fumes as I embark on this journey.

Sunday 14 March 2010

More Tool Shed Pics

Danny Woo Community Garden

Before and after pictures of the Chicken CoopStick Model of the Chicken Coop

View from the upper terrace with before and after of toolshed
After the retaining wall was complete before and after with Smith Tower in the background.
'Stick Studio' Model Study

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Greenroofs, Gigi, Teeth and Fabs

Male ModelsSustainable building facadesOne footer brought to you by Teeth
NBBJ Roof from above